Integrated circuits

pinout can generate simple integrated circuit (IC) graphics - Ideal for documenting stand-alone IC components.

DIP and QFP components can be utilised in a diagram in the same way as an image. However helper functions also exists for easy application of labels to these component.

Labelled QFP graphic

pinout.components.integrated_circuits.labelled_qfn(labels, length=160, label_start=(100, 20), label_pitch=(0, 30))

Generate a QFP graphic with pin-labels applied.

  • labels (list) – List of label data

  • length (int, optional) – length of the IC sides (including legs), defaults to 160

  • label_start (tuple, optional) – Offset of the first label from the first pin, defaults to (100, 20)

  • label_pitch (tuple, optional) – Offest between each label row, defaults to (0, 30)


IC graphic with pinlabels applied

Return type

SVG markup

Labelled DIP graphic

pinout.components.integrated_circuits.labelled_dip(labels, width=100, height=160, label_start_x=100, label_pitch=(0, 30))

Generate a DIP graphic with pin-labels applied.

  • labels (list) – List of label data

  • width (int, optional) – Width of IC (includes legs), defaults to 100

  • height (int, optional) – Height of IC (includes inset), defaults to 160

  • label_start_x (int, optional) – Offset in x-axis of first label from first pin, defaults to 100

  • label_pitch (tuple, optional) – Offest between each label row, defaults to (0, 30)


IC graphic with pinlabels applied

Return type

SVG markup

Dual in-line package (DIP)

class pinout.components.integrated_circuits.DIP(pin_count, width, height, **kwargs)

Bases: pinout.core.Group

Create a dual in-line package graphic

  • pin_count (int) – Total number of pins on the integrated circuit

  • width (int) – width of the graphic, including body and legs

  • height (int) – height of the graphic, including body and legs

Dimensions can be modified to depict a variety of IC types, eg SOIC and TSOP.

  • index (int) – Pin number (starts at 1)

  • rotate (bool, optional) – If true, includes component rotation in the calculation, defaults to True


coordinates of the pin relative to the IC’s origin

Return type

namedtuple (x,y)

Quad flat package (QFP)

class pinout.components.integrated_circuits.QFP(pin_count, length, **kwargs)

Bases: pinout.core.Group

Create a quad flat package graphic

  • pin_count (int) – Total number of pins on the integrated circuit

  • length (int) – length of the QFP sides

Dimensions can be modified to depict a variety of ‘quad’ IC types.

  • index (int) – Pin number (starts at 1)

  • rotate (bool, optional) – If true, includes component rotation in the calculation, defaults to True


coordinates of the pin relative to the IC’s origin

Return type

namedtuple (x,y)